Friday, September 17, 2010


have u ever had a dilemMa in ur life?

  • I had found myself a new mission - and once more my recurring dilemma between corporate commercial needs and personal scientific ambitions was solved unexpectedly. James W. Black

  • I hate violence, yes I do. It's kind of a dilemma, huh?. Jackie Chan

  • A king, realizing his incompetence, can either delegate or abdicate his duties. A father can do neither. If only sons could see the paradox, they would understand the dilemma. Marlene Dietrich

  • Our dilemma is that we hate change and love it at the same time; what we really want is for things to remain the same but get better. Sydney J. Harris

  • The central dilemma in journalism is that you don't know what you don't know. Bob Woodward

  • The dilemma felt by science fiction writers will be perceived in other creative endeavors. Vernor Vinge

  • The essence of humanity's spiritual dilemma is that we evolved genetically to accept one truth and discovered another. Is there a way to erase the dilemma, to resolve the contradictions between the transcendentalist and the empiricist world views? E. O. Wilson

  • The invisible dilemma is that men face the very real problem that they don't feel comfortable bringing these issues up and they tend not to be acknowledged at work. James Levine

  • The modern dilemma is essentially a spiritual one, and every one of its main aspects, moral, political and scientific, brings us back to the need of a religious solution. Christopher Dawson

  • The tormenting dilemma of the Middle East is this: either we have one people too many, or one state too few. Afif Safieh

  • We have the melancholy dilemma of not being in a state to make peace or to prosecute war. George Montagu

  • We have to bring stability to Iraq, otherwise we will be faced with a future dilemma of sending our loved ones into harms way to stop a civil war or the rise of a new tyrant born from the instability that we created. Jay Rockefeller

  • We want every human being in the womb to be safe, not have these babies be killed to solve some dilemma. Randall Terry

  • You get on the radio by writing your own songs. But we had the dilemma of not being able to play anywhere because we weren't able to play anything that anyone wanted to hear. So we learned songs that we thought that we could do without puking. Wayne Kramer

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